Ngemuva komjaho weBaku, lapho sabona khona ukusebenza okuhle kukaFernando Alonso, emjahweni nasekuphumeleleni, ebeka i-Aston Martin lapho bekungafanele khona, ngaphezu komjaho omuhle weColapinto, ...
The Baku race is over, where we saw a great performance from Fernando Alonso, both in the race and in qualifying, putting the Aston Martin where it did not deserve, in addition to the good race from ...
Ngaphandle kwekhefu phakathi kwe-Italian GP nalena, manje sekuyisikhathi sokuzwa enye impelasonto eshubile yemoto nayo I-Azerbaijan GP ye-F1 2024, emzileni okhethekile we-Baku. Kuyisifunda ...
With no rest between the Italian GP and this one, now it's time to live another intense weekend of motor racing with the 1 F2024 Azerbaijan GP, on the special Baku circuit. It is an urban circuit with ...
The Suspensions are a vital element for road safety, but they are also the great forgotten ones. Many people worry about checking and changing the tires, but this is not the case with the suspensions, ...
巴库站比赛结束后,我们看到了费尔南多·阿隆索在正赛和排位赛中的出色表现,除了科拉平托的出色比赛和皮亚斯特里当之无愧的胜利之外,阿斯顿·马丁也没有得到应有的回报。 ,或者 ...
在完成其系列最高部分的翻新并首映后 新圣达菲、新 Staria 的展示或 Tucson 的修饰, 现代该公司现在正在着手开发其较小的型号,以便在其剩余的商业寿命中对其进行更新。随着更新版 i20 N Line ...
Elegir el aceite para un coche actual es bastante sencillo, tan solo hay que consultar las recomendaciones del fabricante en el manual. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de un coche clásico, del que no ...
意大利大奖赛和本届大奖赛之间没有休息时间,现在是时候体验另一个激烈的赛车周末了 F1 2024 年阿塞拜疆大奖赛,在特殊的巴库航线上。这是一条非常特殊的城市赛道,而且它的直道很长 ...
该 悬架是道路安全的重要组成部分,但他们也是被伟大遗忘的人。很多人担心检查和更换轮胎,但悬架则不然,并且没有规定要求在一定时间后更换轮胎。然而,它们可以让您的旅行更加舒适 ...
Si te interesa la Fórmula 1 y quieres saber cómo es la construcción de un F1, aquí te explicamos 3 métodos: monocasco, ladder ...
Los materiales en los que se fabrican los elementos de las suspensiones también son importantes, más de lo que crees. Te lo ...