“Energy efficiency” is the latest buzz phrase since the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT) was signed in August. Both short- and long-term projections indicate the era of "cheap energy" is gone in ...
Many U.S. utilities have completed, or are nearing completion of, their Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Meter Data Management System (MDMS) rollouts. With these implementations completing, ...
Integrating components for substation automation at a handful of substations can be achieved with custom fit solutions for each integration effort. Automation of dozens of substations, on the other ...
Even though there is plenty of variation in our grid reliability improvement efforts, the latest project designs for transmission and substation improvements can be split into two main categories: ...
Many people assume the Smart Grid is a revolutionary change to the operation of the electric grid. In reality, it is an incremental step in the long evolution of adding automation to the electric grid ...
To improve emergency response operations, utilities across the United States and Canada are increasingly adopting the Incident Command System (ICS). Given what appears to be the increasing severity of ...
For decades, asset decommissioning has been relegated to afterthought status in many industries, including utilities. Instead, businesses have focused their attention on bringing new projects online ...
Remote monitoring of substation equipment is used to take advantage of present information technology to reduce operating costs while loading that equipment closer to nameplate ratings and deferring ...
An Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system is comprised of a large volume of assets which include meters, modules, network communications infrastructure, and ...
Funded by DOE's Grid Deployment Office and administered by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), the Inclusive . . .
We are in the midst of a green revolution. At least, we might be if we can identify, attract and integrate enough workers to satisfy the surging demand for renewable energy products. The Washington ...
A system can only ever be as ‘smart’ as its design. Achieving a ‘smart grid,’ therefore, depends on system designers having access to tools capable of assessing system reliability under an evolving ...