THE STORY OF WORLD WAR II On the 80th anniversary of the beginning of World War II, we look at the story of this tragic conflict. Barely 21 years after the end of World War I, a bloodier war broke out ...
Last Thursday, the front page of Le Monde featured a headline in its running commentary on the war in Ukraine: “Vladimir Putin assures that Russia is ready for negotiations with Kiev on the basis of ...
“Jennifer Lopez and new flame Ben Affleck kissed, cuddled and made goo-goo eyes at each other for hours yesterday as the Latina lovely was feted at a surprise birthday party.” So reported the New York ...
Both sex and sports give joy, meaning and purpose to many people. Over the centuries, they’ve been potent motifs of art, mythology and culture. But they mix about as well as wine and vinegar. Sports ...
Botswana is the model of democracy, good governance and pragmatic policy. In the words of The Economist Foreign Editor Robert Guest, the country has “been governed sensibly, cautiously, and more or ...
In 2019, a group of homeless folks were living on a deserted piece of land along the Chehalis River, a drainage basin that empties into Grays Harbor, an estuary of the Pacific Ocean, on the coast of ...
It’s early summer in Moldova, and the cherries are already ripe. Fellow journalist Marian Männi and I pick and pop them into our mouths as we follow our chosen tour guide up a hill. We are exploring ...
AI is an increasingly visible feature of our environment. It has even achieved the status of an artificial culture. As cultures are defined by their values, do we know anything about the values of ...
The American expression, “time is money,” sits at the core of United States culture. It doesn’t just mean that you can put a price on time “spent” or that you shouldn’t waste time. The copulative use ...
The institution of monarchy epitomizes stability. A royal family ties a nation back to history and can take a long view of events. In Southeast Asia in particular, monarchy is about traditions and ...
The Rohingya refugee community living in camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, seems to have been trapped in Satan’s trifecta. With dwindling funds and increasing violence in the camps, their camp life ...