Both health care access and food insecurity affect the prevalence of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease. The prevalence of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver ...
Researchers determined a rank-order efficacy of therapies for reducing hepatic fat in metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis. Aldafermin, pegozafermin, and pioglitazone are the most ...
Utilizing a novel approach to estimating the global burden of low back pain, researchers report that the pain burden in low- and middle-income countries has previously been underestimated. Utilizing a ...
The incidence of ICI-induced diabetes was 124.8 per 100,000 person-years. Researchers identified risk factors for immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI)-induced diabetes in a large cohort of patients with ...
Vaccination effectiveness did not differ with inverse probability of vaccination weighting or for those aged 60 to 74 years and 75 years and older. HealthDay News — For older adults, respiratory ...
In patients with MAFLD, there is an association between leisure-time sedentary behavior and risk for CVD. An association exists between leisure-time sedentary behavior and increased risk for ...
While cannabinoids have some favorable effects among individuals with Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis, the data do not indicate reduced inflammation. Cannabinoids show promise for improving ...
Women are more likely to die waiting for a donor liver than men. HealthDay News — Women with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are less likely to receive a deceased-donor liver transplant (DDLT) and more ...
A comparison of sociodemographic, clinical, and social determinants of health of patients completing various CRC screening methods reveals barriers to care. Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening methods, ...
Consumption of oats and fruits was linked to a higher risk for islet cell antibodies plus biochemical islet autoimmunity among children genetically predisposed to T1D. Higher consumption of oats, ...
Treatment with glucocorticoids was linked to a two-fold increase in risk for new-onset diabetes among hospitalized patients. Exposure to systemic glucocorticoids more than doubles the risk for ...
Menopausal status affected the link between improved cardiovascular health and T2D risk, as men and postmenopausal women showed similar trends. Improved cardiovascular health reduces the absolute risk ...