Prestigious IEEE Medal of Honor Prize is Increased to $2 Million The Highest Award for Exceptional Technology, Engineering, ...
When does plagiarism occur? Is there an established percentage, a rule of thumb, a saturation point that we can use to determine when plagiarism has taken place? Or is it simply that "plagiarism is ...
Engineering and Technology History Wiki: A wiki-based platform that allows IEEE members and organizational units to collaboratively preserve and share their history. The Engineering and Technology ...
The professional core leadership of IEEE is led by Sophie Muirhead, IEEE Executive Director and COO. Sophie presides over the Management Council, which is comprised of herself and 13 senior executives ...
New Technology Connections is your resource to emerging technologies within IEEE. The IEEE Future Directions Committee has identified the technologies on this page as primary focus areas and has ...
The IEEE Public Visibility initiative is a communications program that seeks to increase the visibility of IEEE and to serve as a global voice for the engineering profession. The mission of the IEEE ...
1. The requirements in this Section shall apply to all articles submitted to IEEE journals, transactions, letters, magazines, and conference publications. The requirements of this Section do not apply ...
CEE has made the organizing experience easier, more effective, and enjoyable by providing learning opportunities for conference organizers of all experience levels, locations, organizational units, or ...
Read below for guidelines on multiple submission and publication, as taken from the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual, Section 8.2.4.F, "Guidelines for Editorial Reuse of Previously Published Material." It ...
In 2014, the IEEE European Public Policy Initiative created two working groups on Energy and ICT. The Energy Working Group is comprised of 1 2 leading electrical engineers from all walks of life, ...
For many years, IEEE multiple publication policy has established a useful standard for authors and publication volunteers. Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere ...
Find answers to frequently asked questions and additional information about the New Initiative process. More information about the Seed Grant and New Initiative application process is available on the ...