The temptation on a sermon on the feast of St Michael and All Angels is to either try to explain angels (to somehow make sense of them) or to explain them away (to disregard them somehow). I aim to ...
‘But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people’. A Dedication Festival compels us to examine our relationship with history. I am conscious that I have long been prone ...
During the Evensong service on Monday 23 September, two non-residentiary canons and two lay canons were installed into the College of Canons at Salisbury Cathedral, by invitation of the Right Reverend ...
The Sunday Notices list the services and music for the coming week, our current prayer lists and notices from and for our community. If you have a notice you would like considered for inclusion in a ...
Unfortunately, the event has been cancelled due to a family bereavement. Ticket holders will be contacted shortly and refunds will be issued. We are very sorry for any disappointment.
As part of the Taste Salisbury 2024 Festival, our Education Department will be hosting a Cathedral Food Trail, where you can spot food-related items around the Cathedral. Please note that the food ...
Salisbury Cathedral will premiere a brand-new light and sound spectacular from Luxmuralis when Sarum Lights returns this November. This immersive event will transform both the interior and exterior of ...
This year’s summer sermon series, Old Testament Shorts, is taking us into the less-frequented recesses of the Hebrew Bible. Today we come to the obscure prophet, Habakkuk. All that we know for certain ...
If your child enjoys singing, they may be interested in becoming a chorister at Salisbury Cathedral. Salisbury Cathedral’s choristers represent centuries of musical heritage and are an integral part ...
Music has always played a vital role in the Daily Offices, provided by sixteen boy choristers, six Lay Vicars, the Director of Music, the Assistant Director of Music and the Organ Scholar. In 1991 ...
Celebrate Advent and Christmas at Salisbury Cathedral with a busy programme of special services, from the famous ‘From Darkness To Light’ Advent Procession and Choral Evensongs, to Carols By ...