“Joker,” starring Joaquin Phoenix and directed by Todd Phillips, became one of the most successful comic book films of all time after its 2019 release. Not only was it the first R-rated movie ...
Warner Bros. released a new teaser for Joker: Folie à Deux today, and although it only clocks in at a brief 30 seconds, it includes a first look at an important character. Harvey Dent ...
Critics were divided once again in the Joker Folie à Deux first reactions which ranged from calling the film "a frustrating disappointment" to a "mesmerizing masterpiece". Anyone paying attention ...
之中,他的父親跋帝是這派教會的信徒。他們居住在薩珊王朝統治下的南部美索不達米亞,除了浸洗派,那裡還活躍着其他早期基督教團體如巴戴桑派(英语:Bardaisan ...
Warner Bros. has released a new poster for Joker: Folie À Deux, Todd Phillips' highly anticipated sequel to 2019's Joker. This follow-up will revolve around the twisted romance between Arthur ...
1歲男童剴剴遭兒福聯盟轉介的保母虐待致死,備受爭議。民進黨台北市議員林延鳳質疑,事後兒福的態度、作為不符合多數民眾的期待,服務品質 ...
校方人員經通報家樂福列管鎖定這批禮券券號後,發現買到禮券的黃姓網友曾前往2間家樂福消費,經檢警傳喚說明,確認楊男監守自盜事實 ...
行政院長卓榮泰日前接受日媒專訪,提到台灣雖計畫於2025年實現非核家園目標,隨著核能新技術發展,未來使用核能可以開放討論。有環團表示 ...
久咳不癒的二十種可能/常莫名咳嗽卻查不出原因!乾燥症衍生問題多 還可能有情緒問題 久咳不癒的二十種可能/「肺結核」潛伏多久沒人知道,待「一時機」發病! 久咳不癒的二十種可能/ ...
The lineup for the world’s oldest fest also includes world premieres of Todd Phillips’ Joaquin Phoenix-Lady Gaga pic Joker: Folie à Deux, Pedro Almodóvar’s The Room Next Door, Luca ...