More so, if you need to boost your PC performance by increasing CPU and RAM resources, this software is your chance. It can therefore help your system to run high-demanding programs and function as ...
A team of MIT researchers has introduced Boltz-1, the first open-source and commercially accessible model that matches AlphaFold3-level accuracy in predicting biomolecular complexes. Unlike its ...
MIC5253 的典型应用:100mA 低噪声电容小型 LDO。 MIC5253 是一款高效的 CMOS 稳压器,针对超低噪声应用进行了优化 MIC5253-2.8YC5-TR Linear Regulators LDO Regulator Pos 2.8V 0.1A 5-Pin SC-70 T/R 点击下载 MIC5253-2.7YC5-TR Linear Regulators LDO ...
使用 LTC3639IMSE 高效率 100 mA 降压稳压器的典型应用。 LTC3639 可提供高达 100mA 的负载电流,并具有可编程峰值电流限制,为优化效率以及减小输出纹波和组件尺寸提供了一种简单的方法。 LTC3639 结合了突发模式操作、集成电源开关、低静态电流和可编程峰值电流 ...