【本文由小黑盒作者@CanCanNewNew于11月16日发布,转载请标明出处!】 更新啦!更新啦! 这里每天都会为大家带来不同主题的壁纸,均由我亲力亲为,仔细检索所得,闲话少叙,给大家推荐这一期的壁纸: 1.Metallic Angel-WOLP ...
今天多更一点,弥补一下 下面是本期壁纸动态效果: 1.Chisato_ 2k_bgm 2.微醺时光4K 3.平淡日子里的刺 4.麻匪EVA明日香 5.岂不闻,天无绝人之路! 6.bleach-朽木露琪亚 7.Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai /Kaguya Shinomiya ...
Ronnie 2K — AKA Ronnie Singh — has been seen as the face of the NBA 2K video game series for a number of years. While he's commonly associated with the player ratings for the series ...
考虑到PC平台通常对优化要求较高,玩家可能需要做好无法获得流畅体验的准备。官方建议,在2K分辨率下想要以60帧运行游戏,至少需要RTX4060Ti或RX 7700XT显卡,并搭配Intel i5-11600K或AMD R5 3600X处理器,并启用帧生成功能。如果提升至4K画质,则显卡需求将提升到RTX ...
After years of waiting, Rockstar says it's finally going to bring the PC version of Grand Theft Auto Online to parity with the "enhanced" edition that's been available for consoles for the past ...
Tyler grew up in Silicon Valley during the '80s and '90s, playing games like Zork and Arkanoid on early PCs. He was later captivated by Myst, SimCity, Civilization, Command & Conquer, all the ...
The expression of our architecture therefore inevitably takes reference from this, either consciously or unconsciously.’ Ellie Stathaki is the Architecture & Environment Director at Wallpaper*. She ...
来到优化难度更高的PC,各位玩家需要做好无法畅玩的准备:据官方信息,想在2K分辨率下60帧畅玩,显卡至少得RTX 4060Ti或RX 7700XT,处理器需要Intel i5-11600K或AMD R5 3600X,同时得开启帧生成。若提升至4K,那显卡需求会提高至RTX 4070Ti或RX 7800XT。 本文由游民星空制作 ...
Microsoft just released a new version of PC Manager, the free tuning tool for optimizing Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems that competes with CCleaner. PC Manager 3.14 now allows you to view your ...
Asus entered the NUC compact PC market with the launch of the Asus NUC 14 Pro series. This new lineup uses Intel's Core Ultra processors and is available in various configurations to meet ...