Military reporter Emanuel Fabian on decapitation of Hezbollah's elite Radwan Force and curious case of Jewish Israeli ...
The City Council voted unanimously to support its $352.2 million budget for fiscal year 2025. In addition, the council ...
Police said a 41-year-old man was found outside suffering from a gunshot wound between two buildings. Start the day smarter.
THE House of Representatives is set to approve on Wednesday the proposed P6.352-trillion national budget for next year on third and final reading, House Speaker and Leyte Rep. Ferdinand Martin G.
The Chicago Bears are shutting down one of their injured running backs for at least the next month ahead of Week 3's game ...
我最好的朋友刚结婚两年就被她婆婆催生了,希望她早点进到备孕阶段。顺便把养了五年的猫丢回娘家,不然影响备孕。 她婆婆说现在备孕中,不应该养猫,每天都得花费一大堆时间来清理猫毛,而且这些浮毛不单是存在地板上、沙发上,有时候还会在吃饭的时候掉到饭菜里,太过麻烦,最烦的当然还是空中的浮毛,也不知道该用什么方法解决。当然,她婆婆最怕的就是养猫咪会得弓形虫,到时候会影响生育。 作为一个养宠三年的医生跟她说,其 ...
在浩瀚的自然界舞台上,生物的进化与适应力编织出一幅幅令人叹为观止的画卷。其中,鸟类作为地球脊椎动物王冠上的璀璨明珠,其翱翔天际的壮举尤为引人瞩目。而今,让我们聚焦于一位空中舞者——雨燕,这位自然界的速度之王,其时速竟能飙升至352公里,凌驾于中国高铁 ...
Sanofi agreed to pay up to 320 million euros ($352.4 million) to U.S. company RadioMedix and the biotechnology subsidiary of nuclear-fuel supplier Orano to license a potential treatment for rare ...