Enter Google Slides—a powerful, user-friendly platform that transforms the way you create presentations. Imagine having all the tools you need to create a stunning presentation right at your ...
Having seen it in the flesh we have to admit that it's the most premium-looking in its class and are sure it will appeal to home decor aficionados. The projector comes bundled with an equally premium ...
IT之家11 月 5 日消息,外媒 Fujiaddict 曝光了唯卓仕 AF 35mm F1.7 相机镜头(富士 X 卡口版本)的更多信息,这款镜头将提供索尼 E、尼康 Z 以及富士 X 卡口可选,不过目前价格信息还未流出。 该镜头与唯卓仕此前已发布的 AF56mm F1.7、AF20mm F2.8、AF40mm F2.5 同属于 Air ...