Editor's Note: This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Over the past 75 years ...
Guangdong has established1,361 nature reserves, the highest number in China. Over the past four years, over 60 new species ...
Guangwu Mountain Scenic Area boasts a unique land form blending peculiar ridge and peak clusters, lush vegetation, enchanting waterfalls and stunning canyon landscapes, while red leaves are the most ...
As the world's largest developing country, China always considers its growth in the context of the common development of all ...
新华社北京9月13日电 9月13日,国家主席习近平向第十一届北京香山论坛致贺信。 习近平指出,面对世界百年未有之大变局,面对世界人民对安全稳定的期盼,中国践行全球安全倡议,不断凝聚各方共识,推动消弭国际冲突根源、完善全球安全治理,为共建持久 ...
【ITBEAR】9月21日消息,一、 单项选择题(共15题,每题2分,共计30分:每题有且仅有一个正确选项) 从3个部门选4个人组成1个工作组,必然有1个部门选出2个人,其余2个部门选1个人 选出2个人的部门可能是3个部门的任意个 A部门2人,BC部门 各1人 C(4,2)*C(3,1)*C(3,1 ...
Top executives from more than 20 leading multinationals and guest speakers gathered again this morning as the 36th International Business Leaders' Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai (IBLAC) ...