DEAR DR. ROACH: I take 1,000 mg of metformin in the morning and 1,000 mg at night, and my A1C level is 7.2%. I am 80 years ...
The A1C level test can give false or inaccurate results in some people. Doctors say your A1C level can be falsely elevated ...
Dear Dr. Roach: I take 1,000 mg of metformin in the morning and 1,000 mg at night, and my A1C level is 7.2%. I am 80 years ...
DEAR DR. ROACH: I take 1,000 mg of metformin in the morning and 1,000 mg at night, and my A1C level is 7.2%. I am 80 years ...
Dear F.W.: In general, I recommend against stopping prescription medications without your doctor telling you to, and I hope to help you understand why.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I take 1,000 mg of metformin in the morning and 1,000 mg at night, and my A1C level is 7.2%. I am 80 years old. Is this dose too much? — Anon. ANSWER: A medicine is too much if it ...
Early morning hyperglycemia is sometimes called the “dawn phenomenon.” Left untreated, it can drive poorer outcomes. How can ...
Take control of prediabetes with these expert-recommended strategies to manage blood sugar and reduce your diabetes risk.
A diabetes management program was associated with improved glycemic control among youth with type 1 diabetes transitioning into adult care.
Screenings will include A1C, lipid panel, hearing, and vision tests at an affordable price of $25. These screenings are ...
Okra water, made by soaking okra in water, is touted for its health benefits, including weight loss and diabetes control.