A demonstration animation of a code editor using GitHub Copilot Chat, where the user requests GitHub Copilot to refactor duplicated logic and extract it into a reusable function for a given code ...
Level up your GitHub skills with GitHub Learning Lab. Our friendly bot will take you through a series of fun, practical projects that will give you the skills you need in no time--and share helpful ...
发布者:legend8来源: eefocus关键字:ATmega64 省电模式手机看文章 扫描二维码 当SM2..0 为011 时, SLEEP 指令将使MCU 进入省电模式。这一模式与掉电模式只有 一点不同: 如果定时器/ 计数器0 为异步驱动,即寄存器ASSR 的AS0 置位,则定时器/ 计数器0 在 睡眠时继续运行。
发布者:alpha11来源: eefocus关键字:ATmega64 掉电模式手机看文章 扫描二维码 当SM2..0 为010 时, SLEEP 指令将使MCU 进入掉电模式。在此模式下,外部晶体停 振,而外部中断、两线接口地址匹配及看门狗(如果使能的话)继续工作。只有外部复 位、看门狗复位、BOD ...