华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院王从义教授团队在 Cell Metabolism 期刊发表了题为:PDIA3 defines a novel subset of adipose macrophages to exacerbate the development of obesity and metabolic disorders ...
Research in people with obesity or overweight has shown that long-term exercisers have belly fat with healthier properties ...
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and AstraZeneca have discovered that gene expression in adipose stem cells varies ...
New research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst reveals links between menopausal hot flashes, cold experienced ...
【导读】癌症是一种涉及复杂分子网络的全身性异质性疾病。肿瘤的形成涉及上皮-间充质转化 (EMT), ...
Adipo Therapeutics, LLC, a late pre-clinical biopharmaceutical company developing treatments for obesity and related ...
The study suggested that excessive abdominal adipose tissue may be involved in the pathogenesis of multisite and widespread ...
Pure Encapsulations Nitric Oxide Ultra is #3 on our list of the best nitric oxide booster supplements for men's wellness.
2024EASD汇聚全球智慧,共谋健康未来。2024年9月9日-13日,2024年第60届欧洲糖尿病研究协会年会(EASD)于西班牙马德里召开。世界各国内分泌领域专家汇聚一堂,共同探讨糖尿病领域最新的临床和基础研究成果。在这场学术盛宴中,北京医院·国 ...
Puravive is a weight loss supplement that has become a topic of discussion in the market over the last few weeks. This ...