Christian Geraud Neema Byamungu, a China-Africa expert and Africa editor at the China Global South Project, said that the ...
在过去的几年里,“中国经济正在经历缓慢而痛苦的磨难”成为世界媒体报道中国的一个主题。以习近平为首的中国共产党当局坚持拒绝理会国内外众多经济专家的呼吁,拒绝向处于困苦中的中国企业和民众提供包括现金援助在内的救助以拉动内需、重启中国经济。在不肯为企业和民 ...
The transatlantic slave trade, spanning four centuries, generated immense wealth for Western nations and played a critical ...
At the FOCAC, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the ten partnership actions for China and Africa to jointly promote ...
Since the establishment of FOCAC, he said, China has helped Africa to build and upgrade almost 100,000 kilometers of roads, more than 10,000 kilometers of railways, nearly 1,000 bridges and almost 100 ...
(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | Gert Grobler: China-Africa Relationship Will Continue to Flourish and Grow) Former South African senior diplomat Gert Grobler received a special gift from China.
Focuses on a wide range of individuals spanning across South Africa for whom the 2010 FIFA World Cup has a special significance.
CARACAS, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- Venezuela was designated a member of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the 2024-2026 period, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gi ...
期间,津巴布韦总统姆南加古瓦参访了解放军陆军指挥学院,追忆60年前在中国的求学岁月,重温中非人民在反帝反殖反霸斗争中并肩奋斗的历史。上世纪中叶,包括姆南加古瓦总统在内的一批非洲国家青年军官来到中国军事院校学习。他们学成回国之后,积极投入到本国民族解放 ...