The Aladdin Collection transports viewers into a magical world full of adventure, mystical genies, and flying carpets. It begins with Disney's original animated classic, "Aladdin" (1992), where a ...
the first film in a planned trilogy of futuristic Aladdin movies. It's now set for a VOD release in January 2025 if anyone is curious. Director Matt Busch explains the concept: "The Aladdin 3477 ...
Watch Aladdin and the King of Thieves on Google Play Watch Aladdin and the King of Thieves on Microsoft Watch Aladdin and the King of Thieves on iTunes The Aladdin Collection transports viewers ...
"Aladdin" ain't never had a friend like Prince Anders... 'cause he was invented for Disney's new live-action movie. Many fans aren't happy that this new role adds a white guy, since the world of ...
Am I going to pass out from excitement? Probably.” Nicholai La Barrie, Director, said: “Aladdin will be an outrageously funny and joyous fairy tale with a big heart at the centre of its story ...