NELSONVILLE - If you just run around enough, something good is bound to happen. Alec Thompson would tend to agree.
DIFFUSE™, a White Kapton® Polyimide Film designed to enhance thermal efficiency in aerospace applications. This advanced ...
IT之家 12 月 15 日消息,据经济观察网报道,在 12 月 11 日的媒体沟通会上,保时捷中国总裁兼首席执行官潘励驰(Alexander Pollich)表示,“我们不会通过牺牲产品价格换取销量的增长,单纯追求量的增长不是保时捷的目标。” ...
保时捷中国在其市场策略上展现出了新的动向,这一切的核心在于其新任总裁兼首席执行官潘励驰(Alexander Pollich)的到来。潘励驰在保时捷工作了23年,拥有丰富的全球管理经验,他此番接手中国市场的重任,意在带领保时捷重新找回在中国市场的辉煌。
I’ll be better when we get to Alabama,” Ty Davis said, smiling, in front of reporters Thursday. Saturday night will be a lifetime in the making for Davis, but he ...