With anime TV shows and movies spanning every genre ... by aliens that were known as “Angels.” The show follows Shinji Ikari, a shy and emotionally withdrawn teenager who is forced to become ...
On the surface, Neon Genesis Evangelion is an anime about a 14-year-old boy named Shinji piloting a ‘Eva’ mech to save the world from alien threats. Yet, it’s far, far deeper than that.
After having his testicles stolen by the yokai Turbo Granny, Okarun enlists the help of his new friend Momo to fight paranormal and extra-terrestrial forces and regain his privates. We’re all ...
One of the most influential anime of the 80s is now back and widely ... With mecha designs penned by Shinji Aramaki, who would also go on to direct the third part, you have a very striking style ...