Disney Animation Studio has partnered with animator Gensho Yasuda to create two anime shorts for the Moana 2 film which was released back on November 27 in the U.S. as well as on December 6 in Japan.
Disney Japan will release new original anime shorts based on Grogu from The Mandalorian, to commemorate the release of the “Grogu Cutest In The Galaxy” merchandise line. The merchandise goods ...
The short-lived Netflix live-action series may have soured some on the property, but there’s a reason why Cowboy Bebop is almost always seen as shorthand for ‘classic anime.’ The show’s ...
Clube Bossa is a Brazilian luxury fashion swimwear label founded by designer Guilherme Vieira in 2006. Known for its handmade craft and its softness, Clube Bossa takes designer swimwear to another ...
Warframe: 1999, the upcoming prequel-slash-expansion, has debuted a new anime short Coming to us from arthouse studio The Line, it features the protoframes and plenty of action See them taking on the ...
Finding the right pair of men’s gym shorts sounds simple enough. Most guys just want a pair that they can sweat in and forget about. But with gym clothing growing more innovative and activity ...
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