The animated series “Arcane” has partnered with Arctic Fox to launch a limited edition of hair dyes. The collaboration comes just in time for the festive season when people explore different ...
A slumbering Arctic fox in winter will wrap its long, bushy tail around its body for added warmth. Its feet are covered in dense fur to insulate against the cold and provide traction on the ice.
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The domesticated arctic fox found wandering the streets of Portland in October will leave Oregon for her new home, according to officials at the Oregon Zoo. The fox will ...
It’s been about a month since an Arctic fox was found wandering in a park in Portland, Oregon. The agency caring for her says she will never get to roam the Arctic tundra. The Bird Alliance of ...
The Arctic fox found in Southwest Portland last month is ready to move to her new home tomorrow: Ochsner Park Zoo in Baraboo, Wis. She will join a male fox named Apollo. “We’re grateful to our ...
An ammonia-free formula that contains plant-derived pigments and oils like jojoba and coconut oil, Phyto was the winner of the GH Beauty Lab's most recent at-home hair color test. It provided the ...
Background: Finding alternative hair dyes for individuals allergic to para-phenylenediamine (PPD) has been difficult. Newer permanent and demipermanent hair dyes that have replaced PPD with para ...
An arctic fox that was discovered wondering in Portland last month arrived at the Oregon Zoo on Nov. 8 to begin her transition to a zoo in Wisconsin. Here's what to know. Arctic foxes are not ...
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — “Luna,” the Arctic fox that was found abandoned in Portland on Sept. 12 and sent to live at the Ochsner Park Zoo in Baraboo, Wis. on Nov. 14, was recently diagnosed ...
Eliza Lee / Courtesy of Oregon Zoo An arctic fox that was found lost and dirty in Portland last month will soon have a new home — and a new companion. The animal, nicknamed “Foxy” by some of ...
PORTLAND, Ore. — It’s been about a month since an Arctic fox was found wandering in a park in Portland, Oregon. The agency caring for her says she will never get to roam the Arctic tundra.