Heather Haynes Smith advocates for disability support and fosters connections among students and San Antonio communities.
While producers apply nitrogen fertilizer to their crops, they can’t always keep nutrients in the soil for maximum efficiency, often losing them into the atmosphere or water supply.
Yes, you really can climb a building by jumping back and forth between two opposing walls. Thank you, Isaac Newton.
"As the days begin to grow shorter and the temperatures drop, it's not uncommon to experience a dip in mood," explains ...
New research is a reminder of practical ways to help kids avoid dangers of using phones, expert Kara Alaimo says, adding it ...
Grip strength, as it turns out, can be a reliable measurement of overall health – even an indicator of the potential health ...
California's maternal death rate has been climbing. A new public health campaign aims to share information about risks that ...
The Bartol “boutique” marks its 100th birthday this week, celebrating with almost 100 physicists who are gathering at UD for ...
Celebrated each year from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, the month is a chance for many in the U.S. to learn about and celebrate the ...
The USDA-NIFA grant will support a 32-person research team at 12 institutions co-directed by Renee Threlfall and Margaret Worthington of the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
This article is about Rashmi Soni, professor-finance and Hemanshi Kotai, research & teaching associate, K J Somaiya Institute ...