Directed by Emory Myrick, ‘Barbie: Mermaid Power’ is an animated musical adventure movie that is a spiritual sequel to ‘Barbie ... a clueless young adult who accidentally gains supernatural powers by ...
Barbie (Kelly Sheridan) shows that if you are kind, clever and brave, anything is possible in this tale of Clara (Kelly Sheridan) and her amazing Nutcracker (Kirby Morrow), who set off on an adventure ...
Hard-core fans immediately recognize the name Valley of Screams as it is an important plot point in movie 1 Memories of Nobody. The Valley of Screams is a pocket dimension that harbors spiritual ...
The movie is called 'The Little Mermaid' and the trailer for it can be watched below. For those of you that are curious to watch this terrifying version of the classic Disney film, or those of you ...
2023 was the year of Barbie, with Greta Gerwig’s inspired toy movie grossing $1.43 billion at the global box office. A huge number that was buoyed by the Barbenheimer phenomenon, thanks to ...
Despite Greta Gerwig’s Barbie being one of the biggest movies of 2023, the filmmaker didn’t have an immediate sequel idea hashed out… but now, it sounds like she just might. Back in July ...