For anyone looking to cultivate native flowering plants that attract pollinators, spotted bee balm is a must! We show you how ...
Discover the dangers of using a popular pesticide in your garden. Learn why this choice can harm the ecosystem, affect your ...
Bees visited flowers on plants inoculated with diverse fungi more than plants without this treatment – but not every ...
The winter solstice is a time of reflection, renewal, and celebrating the return of longer days. While outdoor gardening can be challenging during the coldest months, indoor gardening projects offer a ...
Scientists have identified a new mining bee, Andrena androfovea, in Texas and Oklahoma. This matte blue bee has unusual ...
Turn your landscape into a hive of buzzing busybodies with our advice on how to attract bees to your garden. In return, ...
"Bees in America have a very important role in not only the environment, but also on us, economically," writes Etta Lewis of ...
A research team has investigated the importance of limestone quarries for wild bee conservation. Diverse landscapes with good connectivity between quarries and calcareous grasslands proved to be ...
Solar energy growth comes with controversy, but incorporating pollinator-friendly plants at solar farms can support bees, ...
Tickets are on sale for the Jefferson County Master Gardener Foundation’s 2025 Yard and Garden Lecture Series.
Native beetles and wasps make significant contributions to the environment despite their threatening appearance.