GameRant列出了20款PS+服务的精选动作游戏。其中,《最终幻想起源:天堂的陌生人》将在12月17日停止免费提供。这些游戏中包括《血源诅咒》、《恶魔之魂重制版》、《遗迹2》、《空洞骑士:虚空之心版》,以及众多其他作品,如《死亡细胞》、《仁王》和系列作如《迸发2》和《致命躯壳》等。从古老传说到现代猎杀,列表涵盖了丰富多样的动作游戏体验,例如《上古之魂》,还有深受玩家喜爱的冒险游戏如《柯娜:灵魂 ...
PlayStation is offering discounts on nearly 500 games for its 30th Anniversary Sale. PlayStation has announced a brand-new ...
根据外媒GameRant的报道,今年PS+会员服务的二三档游戏免费赠送名单中,有20款动作游戏备受期待。其中,《最终幻想起源:天堂的陌生人》将于12月17日正式上线。这20款游戏中有许多经典之作,包括《血源诅咒》、《恶魔 ...
Modder brings a 'remastered' version of Bloodborne to PC with enhanced graphics and visual upgrades that's available now for ...
Black Friday is over, but you can still catch tons of rare deals on PS5 consoles, bundles, games, and accessories.
PS5 deals for Black Friday are on fire right now. See big discounts on games like Stellar Blade, Elden Ring, Persona 3 Reload ...
The Game Awards has been going for 10 years, and ever since, Sony hasn’t failed to have a PlayStation exclusive nominated for ...
FromSoft gets it right most of the time. But not all of the time. As proved by these 11 Terrible Mechanics In Amazing ...
As he prepares to exit the company after 31 years on the job, Ex-CEO of SIE Worldwide Studios and PlayStation Legend Shuhei ...
今日,有消息传出《血源》服务器可能更新,引发玩家猜测游戏将有新动作。然而,行业记者Jeff ...
Bloodborne fans have again convinced themselves that major news tied to the franchise could be coming next week.
Stop us if you've heard this one before, but an eerie confluence of events has us excited about Bloodborne again, that excellent, exclusive FromSoftware joint on PS4. Gluttons for punishment that we ...