Actor Jhanak Shukla, beloved for her roles in Karishma Kaa Karishma and Kal Ho Naa Ho, tied the knot with her longtime boyfriend, Swapnil Suryawanshi, in an intimate wedding ceremony.
Priyanka Chopra recently walked the red carpet of the ongoing Red Sea International Film Festival. She was joined by her husband, Nick Jonas, making fans gush over their contagious chemistry.
Aaliyah's wedding looks have been a major success and netizens are absolutely enamoured by the sartorial choices she made and the way she carried herself- her stylist Sheefa J Gilani shares details on ...
Isha Ambani’s wedding look was nothing short of a fairy tale. As she celebrates her 6th anniversary with Anand Piramal, let’s revisit her stunning bridal look.