电视剧《生活大爆炸》里,有一位主角叫做拉杰什,他是一名患有社交焦虑症的天文学家,每次一和女生说话,嘴巴就像糊住了一样蹦不出一个字。除非他喝了酒或者服用抗焦虑药物,否则他无法与家庭以外的女性交流。虽然这在剧中是一个笑点的设计,但其实在现实生活中,我们每 ...
而和语言功能最为密切相关的区域就要数布罗卡区(Broca's area)和威尔尼克区(Wernicke's area)了。 布洛卡区位于大脑左半球的前额叶,大概就在我们 ...
As the frontal lobe came into view, there it was: a big black spot sitting in the left posterior inferior frontal lobe, also known as Broca's area. On slice after slice, the same black hole ...
New research suggests that humans have been speaking for a much longer time than previously believed—for the last 1.6 million ...
1.2.1. Hagoort suggests that brain plasticity plays an essential role in L2 learning. The interaction between brain areas ...
Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area, parts of the brain that are both linked to language, are typically located in the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere controls the movement of the left side ...
Every day in the UK around 240 people suffer the catastrophic impact of a stroke. Sometimes seen as “brain attacks” these ...
Associated with that brain size increase was a reorganisation of the internal structure of the brain – including the first appearance of the area of the frontal lobe, specifically associated with ...
For example, Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area are both linked to language and are most commonly located on the left side of the brain. Yet the right hemisphere is also known to play a role in ...
Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area. However, when someone is absorbed in a story, they discovered it stimulated more areas of the brain. People hear statistics, but they feel stories.
The patch of frontal lobe adjacent to her tumor is called Broca's area, named after the 19th-century French anatomist Paul Broca, one of the first scientists to offer definitive evidence that ...
Wernicke's area is another part of the brain. This is named after the German scientist Carl Wernicke (1848-1905). Shortly after Broca wrote about his findings, Wernicke began his own research.