The third Avatar installment, "Fire & Ash," to be released in 2025. Concept art previews a new air tribe and the "Ash People". The sequel follows a similar blueprint to Avatar: The Last Airbender ...
Art Garfunkel: ‘I’m in the mood to work with Paul Simon again. We’ll see...’ Georgia student nails $800,000 kick on 'College GameDay' on first attempt Biden Mulls Fossil Fuel Finance Curbs ...
An award-winning university building that won a prestigious architecture prize is set to be demolished less than 30 years after it was built, sparking widespread criticism. The Centenary Building ...
"The idea was to create a new urban destination around that swim club concept and the revival of the existing building ... and the contemporary Athenian art scene." French studio Ciguë designed ...
Sisan Lee, motivated by the desire to bring ideas from concept to physical form, studied furniture design. His early work, which he shared online, caught the attention of the curatorial platform ...