Boeing's C-17 Globemaster III is used by militaries all over the world. Here's what makes it so special and why it has become ...
Due to its lightweight, Zorawar tanks can travel through steep climbs on the mountains much more easily as compared to ...
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has achieved a significant milestone with the successful completion ...
乌克兰展示了他们自行升级的豹1A5(Leopard 1A5)坦克,车体各处都堆满了爆反式反应装甲,整体轮廓变得相当方正,与原样有了极大的差异。防卫部落格报导,德国豹1,是1970年代生产的高速主战坦克,克广泛服役于欧洲各 ...
乌拉尔机车车辆厂(Uralvagonzavod)周六(7)交付了新一批T-90M「突破」(Proryv)坦克,目前总产量可能趋近甚至超过300辆,而库尔干机械制造厂(Kurganmashzavod)也于上周五(30)交付了新一批BMD-4M空降战车及 ...
The DRDO has successfully conducted the first phase of developmental field firing trials of the Indian Light Tank Zorawar, ...
郑瑶早前在IG晒出与男友Jacob ...
进入2024年,深圳、广州、上海多地货代公司接连被传出爆雷,据不完全统计,今年 7 至 8 月,业内曝光暴雷货代超 30 ...
Late-term abortions happen all the time, despite Kamala Harris' denial at last week's debate, Advancing American Freedom says ...
巴黎奥运会后,中国运动员的时尚装备就成了热议话题。各大腕表品牌更是纷纷下场,积极“买股”优秀运动员。下手早的如欧米茄 OMEGA,2022 ...
Letter writers criticize C&J plan for parking at Pease, address the return of Columbus Day in cities and towns and weigh in ...
Lily Collins was in New York to promote 'Emily in Paris' season 4, part 2 — as well as to announce the show's renewal for ...