They're now estimated to be about 3 to 4 years old. One of them, we're assuming the male cat, repeatedly pees in the house outside of the litter box, almost as if he's marking his territory.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A cat perished in a Grandview house fire early Wednesday morning. Emergency crews were called to the 13000 block of Fuller Avenue shortly after 8:30 a.m. Firefighters ...
As the weather gets colder and colder, the living condition becomes a concerning issue more than ever. The reason is that while some cats enjoy living indoors, others prefer to live outside of the ...
Concerned, she and her sister bought a $15 cat house online. On Dec 3, they set up the house at the void deck. They attached a personalised sign to the roof: "This is Cat house. Please don't throw it, ...
California teacher dies after she was bitten by a bat inside a classroom Julie Pledger opened Mau House Cat Hotel on the corner of Macdonald Avenue and 29th Street in 2019 after years of ...