Too much screen time can sabotage preschoolers' sleep and potentially lead to behavioral issues, a new study found.
A recent study published in the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics sheds light on the importance of ...
A consistent bedtime may be more important than sleep quality or duration when it comes to a child's behavior and emotional ...
Too much screen time can sabotage preschoolers' sleep, potentially turning them into terrors around the house, a new ...
Excessive screen use by preschool-age children can lead to reduced sleep quality, exacerbating problems such as poor ...
Children who struggle with sleep during their preschool years may experience difficulties in emotional regulation ...
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine is reconsidering its position not to recommend the use of home sleep apnea tests in ...
New insights underscore the value of considering sleep variability when addressing inequities in pediatric sleep health.
A new study shows how screen time is “significantly” correlated with increased hyperactive attention problems and emotional ...
A trial involving Michigan Medicine researchers has upended a long-held belief that adenotonsillectomies for children with mild sleep-disordered breathing lead to undesirable weight gain.