This unique card may be a fit for low spenders who make a lot of small purchases. But other cards will offer more long-term value, flexibility and simplicity.
Lyle Daly is a personal finance writer who specializes in credit cards, travel rewards programs, and banking. His work with Motley Fool Money and The Motley Fool has appeared in USA Today and Yahoo!
The combined 2% rewards rate — 1% when you make a purchase and 1% when you pay it off — is among the best on any cash-back card, especially for an annual fee of $0. Many or all of the products ...
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30 Nov 2024 Win $7,900 worth of staycay, shopping, and dining vouchers at Marina Central when you apply for Citibank credit cards. Marina Central vouchers can be redeemed for shopping mall ...
The change, first detailed to Citi’s private bankers in a call last week and laid out to them in a memo on Thursday, will tilt the way the group gives out year-end bonuses. More of the rewards ...