Whether by happenstance or design, all exhausted parents will at some point have found themselves co-sleeping with their baby; nodding off on the sofa while they sleep on your chest or a few precious ...
In Western society, many people expect to sleep alone, if not with a romantic partner. However, as with other group-living animals, human co-sleeping is common despite some cultural and age ...
Many parents and parents-to-be love the idea of having their baby sleep close to them but have some fears around bed-sharing. The Co-Sleeping Debate – The Benefits of Infant-Parent Proximity So, what ...
Co-sleeping trends vary widely across cultures, moulding their trends by cultural expectations. In the West, there’s a stronger emphasis on inculcating self-reliance, often with children ...
This brings us to the question: Does co-sleeping foster closeness or can it be a danger? Most bedsharing babies do fine, but tragically, thousands don’t. So, what can parents do to eliminate ...
In the early months and years of their lives, children rely on their mothers for comfort, warmth, safety, and love – and that’s why some moms choose to co-sleep with their children.
This brings us to the question: Does co-sleeping foster closeness, or can it be a danger? Most bed-sharing babies do fine, but tragically, thousands don’t. So what can parents do to eliminate ...
In western society, many people expect to sleep alone, if not with a romantic partner. But as with other group-living animals, human co-sleeping is common, despite some cultural and age-related ...
In October 2020, my then-partner, Gary, put Logan to sleep in a V-shaped pregnancy pillow next to our bed. He was fed, he was clean and he should have been safe. Tragically though, he never woke up.