Dive into Denzel Washington's extensive filmography and see which movies critics deemed to be his best and worst.
This article was originally published in 2018 and has been updated to include the actor’s most recent work, including ...
Tributes to Kris Kristofferson continue with 'A Star Is Born' in 35mm, a celebration of the unique writer and performer Zoë ...
The 1955-56 Roxana Junior High 'Atom Smashers' science club, led by Phillip Luster, is highlighted in the school's yearbook.
He recounted his story of survival in his book, " 76 Days Adrift: Lost at Sea, " a New York Times bestseller in 1986. Nearly ...
The federal conviction and sentence of Alex Murdaugh’s alleged fraud accomplice and banker Russell Laffitte have been reversed by the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.
SANTA ANA — A 60-year-old man was convicted in Orange County on Wednesday ... The charges date back to 1986, according to court records. Three sisters when they were in their late teens and ...
A San Fernando man accused of masterminding the high-profile triple killings of a Fullerton man and woman he met in the “furry community” and a friend of the couple after becoming “obsessed ...
Aubrey Armstrong was convicted of felony murder in the 2015 beating death of Joseph Marceau in Augusta. An error has occurred. Please try again. With a Kennebec ...
A Ugandan court has convicted a 21-year-old content creator ... with an iron fist since he toppled president Milton Obote in 1986. Award-winning author Kakwenza Rukirabashaija was arrested in ...