Magnetic field data collected by ESA's Swarm satellites and other sources has been coverted into these frightening sounds.
Shinoda discussed the reasoning for not tapping a singer that sounds just like the late Chester Bennington. Mike Shinoda Didn ...
For decades, researchers have been stumped by a mysterious quacking sound emanating from the Southern Ocean. Now, they may ...
Hearing the whistle's sound activated the low-order auditory cortical regions of the volunteer's brains – regions which tune ...
Discard of the products if you have them, but don't freak out. "We're exposed to bacteria every day of our lives. We handle ...
And nobody’s brain likes that.” He continued, “So, when I was watching this YouTube video, or Instagram video, of this cover band, I was like, ‘That’s really cool, but it’s also creepy that it sounds ...
According to a study by Solitaire Bliss, Texas ranks number four in states with the most naughty travel habits. Number five ...
VANCOUVER - Gusts of more than 90 km/h are hitting parts of the British Columbia coast as a "bomb cyclone" develops off ...
Discard of the products if you have them, but don't freak out. "We're exposed to bacteria every day of our lives. We handle doorknobs. We go to the bathroom in public places," says Dr. Woolery ...
When archaeologists blew into these creepy kazoos, they emitted an unearthly, banshee-like shriek similar to a haunted ...