In a world often dominated by challenging headlines, Yahoo News Canada aims to spotlight uplifting news stories both local ...
A mummified ice age cub discovered in Siberia is exceptionally preserved, providing the first view of what saber-toothed cats ...
A cub that was snatched from a tree by people looking to take selfies back in April has been returned to a remote area of the ...
In a move that drew anger from people across the nation this spring, a young bear cub reluctantly pulled from a tree for a selfie photo in North Carolina has returned home to the wild, months ...
ASHEVILLE - A bear cub snatched from a tree at an Asheville apartment complex this April has been successfully rereleased into the wild, according to rescuers. In the original incident ...
The cub also has two rows of whiskers on the upper lip and elongated hair that comes from the corners of the mouth. "It's a fantastic feeling to see with your own eyes the life appearance of a ...
ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WBTV/Gray News) - A bear cub who was taken out of a tree for selfies has been released back into the wild. The bear gained international attention after a video taken in April ...
While searching for mammoth tusks in eastern Siberia, scavengers found a rare ice mummy along the banks of the Badyarikha ...
Saber-toothed tigers, also called saber-toothed cats, were some of the most impressive predators to roam the Earth during the ...