He put his foot in his mouth again’, can be a common joke among friends and family when one has said something a little embarrassing. But what does it mean when your dog does the ...
An ingrown hair bump, or cyst, extends from your body’s surface and deep underneath it. It often looks like a red pimple with one hair on its surface, but other types can look different and ...
Lumps can form under the skin for many reasons, including cysts or swollen lymph nodes. Often they don’t require treatment, but if they change in size or appearance, contact a doctor for an exam ...
Follicular cysts are a type of benign ovarian cyst caused by normal hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle. Usually harmless, these fluid-filled sacs grow on the follicles where the egg ...
However, women can get pilonidal cysts as well. Risk factors for developing pilonidal cysts include having thick, wiry hair on the lower back, sitting for long periods of time, and friction, such as a ...
This is the hilarious moment a friendly pet cat enjoyed lounging on a dog's back. The grey feline lay on top of the small black pooch, who was dressed in a brown cotton vest, during one-degree ...
Skin fibromas are fairly common on goldfish. Over the years, I have observed them develop on a few of my own goldfish, so a fibroma is my ‘best-guess’ diagnosis. To be absolutely sure it would be ...