Durga the Colors television show produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures has seen engaging drama with Durga (Pranali Rathod) being beaten black and blue by Rajesh (Rishi Kaushik), after which Anurag ...
Durga the Colors television show produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures has seen Durga (Pranali Rathod) being admitted to the hospital by Anurag (Aashay Mishra). As we know, Anurag was shocked to ...
How to change the color of the text in MS Paint When you draw the text area, the MS Paint ribbon opens up Text customization options. You can change font style, size, boldness, italics ...
In the previous episode, the viewers saw that Anurag told Durga that he will stop his marriage to Rajesh and that he will never allow Paani Bai to succeed in her evil motives. There is an interesting ...
Eye color is a complex genetic trait determined by pairings of genes passed on from each parent. Scientists once believed eye color was determined by a single gene, but advances in genetic research ...
Sharad Navratri (September - October) is the nine-day Hindu festival dedicated to Mother Goddess Durga and her numerous forms in Hindu religion. Sharad Navratri 2025 dates are from September 22 to ...