随着移动游戏平台的崛起,足球游戏市场迎来了新的篇章。国际足联(FIFA)与曾经为其开发《FIFA》系列游戏的EA公司分道扬镳后,近日与Mythical Games携手推出了一款全新的足球手游《FIFA对决》。这款游戏计划于2025年夏季在iOS和安卓平台上线,给玩家带来崭新的街机式足球体验。让我们深入探讨这款即将问世的游戏,其玩法、画面表现以及潜在的影响。 新的合作伙伴:Mythical Game ...
You'd expect that in the five years between FIFA 19 and EA FC 25, the graphics would've improved, and they have, with EA FC 25 blowing FIFA 19 out of the water. Players, pitches, and stadiums all look ...
More than a year after FIFA’s decades-long run with EA Sports ended on sour terms and it vowed to produce a better soccer video game series by itself, the global governing body is back with a new ...