Primary and secondary schools across multiple Chinese cities have extended class breaks from 10 to 15 minutes from the start of the fall semester in an effort to encourage outdoor activities among ...
该工会代表着3.3万名工人,他们主要在华盛顿州,负责制造波音最畅销的737 MAX和其他喷气式飞机。该工会目前的合同将于本周四到期。届时,该协议将交由工会成员投票表决,他们仍可以选择拒绝协议并罢工。
China's trade remedy investigations against the EU were launched at the request of domestic industries, in full compliance with Chinese law and World Trade Organization (WTO) regulations. These ...
美国联邦储备委员会(美联储)当地时间18日宣布,将联邦基金利率目标区间下调50个基点,降至4.75%至5.00%之间的水平。这是美联储自2020年3月以来的首次降息,也标志着美国由货币政策紧缩周期向宽松周期的转向。 The U.S. Federal ...
Shanghai's vibrant international community, Biyun, has celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with a lively beer festival. Biyun, ...
该习语中的blank意思是“空格;遗忘”,整个习语的字面意思是“画空格”。该习语主要用来喻指“to fail to recall a memory or fail in some speculative ...
世界局势波诡云谲,再度出山的邦德(丹尼尔·克雷格 饰)面临有史以来空前的危机,传奇特工007的故事在本片中达到高潮。新老角色集结亮相,蕾雅·赛杜回归,二度饰演邦女郎玛德琳。系列最恐怖反派萨芬(拉米·马雷克 饰)重磅登场,毫不留情地展示了自己狠辣的一面 ...
BEIJING, Sept.13 (China Economic Net) - The Pakistan National Pavilion was officially inaugurated at the 2024 China ...