After a hiatus of over three years, Li Ziqi, the Chinese influencer renowned for her serene and meticulously crafted videos, ...
Looking ahead, Zheng reaffirmed his commitment, as the President of AmCham Shanghai, to promote U.S.-China commercial ...
BEIJING, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) -- The Arabic language version of a book featuring discourses on Chinese modernization by President Xi Jinping has been published by the Central Compilation and Translation ...
BRASILIA, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping left Brasilia on Thursday after attending the 19th G20 Leaders' Summit and paying a state visit to Brazil. Brazilian senior officials bid far ...
SHANGHAI, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) -- Chinese authorities have approved 113 domestically developed innovative drugs for market entry since 2021, with the scale of the market now at 100 billion yuan (about ...
Data shows that the distance from China to Peru is 17,049 kilometers. In addition to its literal meaning, this phrase also ...
10月31日,国家体育总局副局长、中国足球协会党委书记张家胜在上海会见了国际足联主席因凡蒂诺,双方就中国足球改革发展近况及未来合作进行了深入交流。 张家胜代表国家体育总局和中国足协对因凡蒂诺一行来华表示欢迎, ...
【共同社11月5日电】日本首相石破茂5日就朝鲜发射了疑似弹道导弹的物体,要求政府相关部门全力收集分析信息,并准确地 ...
【共同社11月4日电】日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)4日从鹿儿岛县种子岛宇宙中心,发射了搭载防卫省通信卫星的国产 ...