提起音乐剧,伦敦西区和美国百老汇这两大世界戏剧中心是绝对绕不过的两座大山。 「伦敦西区音乐剧明星演唱会」由总部位于伦敦的寰宇娱乐公司(Worldwide ...
这一期寻花系列的女主安排上了韩女团成员——申有娜。 申有娜,03年出生于韩国京畿道水原市,女子演唱团体ITZY成员。 在出道前,申有娜是软式曲棍球运动员!直到2015年年末,申有娜和姐姐去看2015KBS歌谣大祝祭的时候,被JYP ...
日本已故音乐大师坂本龙一儿子空音央(Neo Sora)在父亲临终前,为他执导音乐传记电影《坂本龙一:Opus》(Ryuichi Sakamoto | Opus)。日前空音央也完成首部剧情长片《圆满结局》(Happyend),并入围第81届威尼斯影展“地平线”(Orizzonti)竞赛单元。
中国大陆股市的表现,可说是每况愈下,以具代表性的沪深300指数(CSI 300)来说,今年至目前为止已跌8%左右,5年的绩效更是重挫2成。分析师表示,希望马上到来的中秋佳节,以及十一黄金周能让大陆民眾用力去花钱,进而刺激陆股反转向上。 世界第2大经济体的中国大陆,饱受民间消费缩手以及通货紧缩风险之苦。官方版的9月15到17日3天中秋节,以及10月1到7日的7天中国大陆国庆假期,就被寄予厚望成为挽救 ...
娱乐区,主要是King Street West在University Avenue和Spadina Avenue之间的区域,这里是几个景点、剧院和夜总会的所在地,包括多伦多International Film Festival (TIFF)的场馆。
Chinese actors, scriptwriters, and popular domestic productions have received nominations for the 2024 Asia Contents Awards ...
Phoenix Movies Channel was launched in August 1998 as the first subscription movie channel in mainland China. Since then, it has been entertaining an extensive audience base in the country via ...
and entertainment features. Ever since its launch in March, 1996, the channel has extended its reach to millions of Chinese worldwide via satellite ASIASAT 7, APSTAT 6 and CHINASAT 6B, among them are ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...
The 2024 version of "Painted Skin" will feature a new cast, new musical score, and new excerpts from the literary source.