Taglia, Stefano 2020. Pragmatism and expediency: Ottoman calculations and the establishment of the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. Caucasus Survey, Vol. 8, Issue. 1, p. 45. Cooke, ...
Putin said last month the proposed new Eurasian security pact should be open to all countries across the region, including current NATO members. But the aim, he said, should be to gradually remove ...
In today's headlines, Kīingi Tūheitia passes away aged 69, Auckland University stand-off takes dramatic turn and volunteers gear up for Daffodil Day. The cryptic and coy matuku-hūrepo or ...
The reason for the occurrence of this extreme drought event was investigated. It shows that both the Eurasian warming and the tropical sea surface temperature (SST) played key roles in the ...
The fire destroyed a well-established reedbed and saltmarsh, which was an important habitat for scarce UK birds such as Hen Harrier and Eurasian Bittern. Eurasian Bittern is one of the many species ...
Find out where and when this bird was seen. Subscribers can access more detailed information, including site specifics, a map and finder's comments. If you have a photo of this bird and would like it ...
PLOS ONE, Vol. 18, Issue. 12, p. e0295604. The great empires of the vast Eurasian continent have captured the imagination of many. Awe-inspiring names such as ancient Rome, Han and Tang China, Persia, ...
The National Audubon Society lists this week’s featured creature — the least bittern — as an uncommon summer resident in the Pontotoc County area. I’ve yet to see one here, but that doesn ...
A pair of Britain's loudest birds, the bittern, have bred in Derbyshire's wetlands for the first time on record. Volunteers repeatedly spotted a male and a female bittern flying near a presumed ...