A new plane with new tech is necessary to dominate current and future Russian and Chinese fighters, top officials say.
NGAD might be a waste of time. The Air Force has two perfectly good fifth-generation warplanes, the F-22A Raptor and the F-35 ...
The U.S. Air Force's Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) sixth-generation warplane is facing criticism due to its exorbitant ...
An F-22 Raptor made a ‘precautionary landing’ at the home of the 18th Wing on Friday afternoon, according to an Air Force ...
The Northrop YF-23 came about as part of the US Air Force’s Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) program. The aim was to develop a ...
参考消息网援引新加坡《联合早报》网站报道,近日的下午,中俄“北部·联合-2024”演习第一阶段顺利完成,双方完成了编队防空、联合反潜、锚地防御等多个科目演练任务。中俄海上舰艇编队的混合编组,成双纵队列阵大洋,海天之间,多型战机呼啸盘旋。一场登陆编队联 ...
这件事特别值得关注的是,随着中美博弈进入深水区,我们可以明显地发现,美国对中国的了解程度,实际上变得越来越深了。因为打压和威胁中国的各种策略屡遭失败,美国实际上也开始被迫改变自己。因为担心中国崛起,影响他们的全球霸主地位,因此,他们寻求了解中国,实际 ...
DOI:10.19486/j.cnki.11-1936/tj.2021.18.0072021年7月16日,俄罗斯《军事评论》网站“防务”专栏上传一篇署名文章,原文作者针对有争议的北方四岛问题,对日俄两国争夺其主权所具备的战斗力进行了简要分析。重点根据 ...
Westman connection: None. • Players to watch: Hanzel (66gp, 17g, 43a, 60p) has shown a steady progression since entering the ...