La factoría de éxitos de Bowfinger Int. Pictures añade una nueva IP a su catálogo: ‘Un funeral de locos’, comedia dirigida por Manuel Gómez ...
今年夏天,中国电影市场的表现可谓是惊艳全场,票房热潮一路飙升。根据路透社和《Variety》的报道,截至8月中旬,中国大陆的暑期档票房已高达178亿元人民币,提前打破了2019年同期的记录,创造了历史新高。对于曾经以超级IP ...
自1985年创立Inditex集团以来,西班牙亿万富翁阿曼西奥·奥尔特加·高纳 (Amancio Ortega Gaona) 已成为全球最成功、最受尊敬的时尚零售大亨之一,管理着快速增长的集团资产,其中包括“快时尚”服装Zara、Massimo ...
好莱坞双男神乔治克隆尼(George Clooney)与「小布」布莱德彼特( Brad Pitt)暌违16年再度携手,搭挡主演全新动作喜剧电影《恶狼特工》 (Wolfs),并同时担任电影监制。日前2人为该片威尼斯影展全球首映合体,搭 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 18 (Xinhua) -- China's box office revenue for the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, which lasted three days until Tuesday, reached 389 million yuan (54.89 million U.S. dollars), according to ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
the share of Russia's domestic films in the Russian film market grew from 22% in 2019 to 72% in 2023. Russia is also looking to import or co-produce content from and with countries such as China ...
自1985年创立Inditex集团以来,西班牙亿万富翁阿曼西奥·奥尔特加·高纳 (Amancio Ortega Gaona) 已成为全球最成功、最受尊敬的时尚零售大亨之一,管理着快速增长的集团资产,其中包括“快时尚”服装Zara、Massimo ...