IT之家 12 月 12 日消息,《CS2》最高级别官方赛事上海 Major 即将在今日 14:00 开启最后一个赛段 —— 决胜赛的对决,八支晋级该赛段的顶级《反恐精英》战队将于 12 月 12~15 日在浦江之畔的浦发银行东方体育中心争夺冠军荣誉 ...
The MongolZ vs MOUZ will kick off the quarterfinal stage of the Shanghai Major 2024. The Asian giants are set to face the European contenders once again in the knockout stage.
FaZe Banks has recently kicked out several OG members from fa's team, creating shock and disbelief among fans. The decision ...