The team has discovered a Magnon-phonon Fermi resonance in an antiferromagnet. A significant challenge in modern data processing technology is the slow and energy-intensive nature of data storage. It' ...
However, ferromagnet-based spintronics devices have a potential pitfall. Ferromagnets generate magnetic fields around them, which affect nearby ferromagnets. In an integrated magnetic device, this ...
KAIST (formerly the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), is located in Daedeok Innopolis, Daejeon, South Korea. KAIST was established by the Korean government in 1971 as the nation ...
This strategy might [unveil] novel properties, including room-temperature, ambient-stable two-dimensional ferromagnets.” Anasori was not involved in this study. Significantly, density functional ...
Gopalan, Sudha and Cottam, M. G. 1990. Theory of surface and bulk excitations in ferromagnetic semiconductors. Physical Review B, Vol. 42, Issue. 16, p. 10311.