12月12号消息,CINNO Research最新报告预测了12月电视面板行情。其表示“国补”政策以及国内外大促活动带来的市场需求回暖好于预期,促使11月LCD ...
LCD TV panel prices have fluctuated heavily in 2024: prices surged early in the year, as Chinese panel makers reduced ...
Before you call the optometrist, you might want to check the television screen first. Like every other surface in your home, ...
Samsung has stopped manufacturing 32+ inches LCD TVs, so you won't find this model listed in the Samsung website. 32+ being manufactured are LEDs. Fantastic TV ... 5 series so you can play thru USB ..
Purchased this TV in April 2012. One of the better LCD TVS you can find in the price range of 40-45k. Has a pretty good picture quality and works well in a bright room. Picture quality: The IPS panel ...
Are you moving soon and concerned that your TV might cause scratches and scuffs on the walls? Discover a simple tip to help ...
With its acquisition of TV-maker Vizio, Walmart is making a bet on the future. My first flat-screen TV was a Vizio. I ...
Roku just launched two 4K QLED TVs with CHiQ technology and Dolby Audio. They feature Roku OS, HDMI 2.1, and built-in ...
Ignoring the Steam Deck OLED isn't much of an option now, because the refurbished models are almost as cheap as new LCD ...
智通财经APP获悉,国信证券发布研报称,2024年10月全球大尺寸LCD面板出货面积同比增长5.49%,其中全球LCD电视面板出货面积同比增长7.04%,全球LCD显示器面板出货面积同比下滑2.94%,全球笔记本电脑面板出货面积同比下滑2.72%,全 ...
CINNO Research报告显示,“国补”政策以及国内外大促活动带来的市场需求回暖好于预期,促使11月LCD TV面板价格全线止跌趋稳,进入12月,品牌商春节提前备货、国内补贴政策的延续以及美国调整对华关税等因素在短期内将维持需求回升;面板厂则减弱控产力度,上调稼动率以应对。在需求和供应相对平衡的情况下,预计面板价格走势将持续趋稳。返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑: 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本 ...