导读癫痫是最常见的中枢神经系统慢性疾病之一,其中约40%的女性癫痫患者处于育龄期。与男性患者相比,育龄期女性癫痫患者面临更多来自家庭和社会的压力,还需承受生理和心理方面的双重负担,因此在这段特殊时期的健康管理尤为重要。叶酸作为一种关键的维生素,对孕期 ...
The renewed pact is more transparent and limited in scope, reflecting an effort to balance collaboration with heightened ...
Adopt exercise, healthy eating, stress management, and avoid unhealthy habits to improve IVF success rates and enhance ...
The revised US-China Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement, announced on Friday, is set to last five years and aims to balance national security concerns with the need for joint efforts on ...