For all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel. There are 55 public universities in the country with about 10.5 lakh students. "The government made these appointments in the face of ...
The Election Commission of India (ECI) has instructed the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Delhi to address the concerns ...
Recreational drone pilots must take the FAA's Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST), follow FAA recreational model aircraft ...
HM Revenue and Customs has warned pension providers not to allow savers to return their tax-free lump sums or they could face ...
The Cyclopes were giant creatures from Greek mythology, known for having just one large eye in the middle of their foreheads.
Homeowners in Glendale will have more flexibility when building casitas after city leaders approved new rules governing ...
In areas with no or limited traffic police, AI-enabled devices and loudspeakers are used to alert people when they violate rules. For example, in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, an AI traffic monitoring ...
Leanne Houston and Stephen Kerr managed to get thousands of pounds from their victim after repeatedly demanding he tell them ...
All holders of Parental Responsibility (which will typically, but not always, include both parents) must consent to their ...
Reports of large, unidentified drones have been causing a stir in NJ. A look at drones commonly flown by hobbyists and commercial pilots.
The changes require immediate action from affected businesses. Fund managers must analyse their VAT exemption eligibility and ...
Gadkari emphasised that lane indiscipline is a far greater issue in India, pointing out that speeding is not as significant a ...